September 25, 2005 - Hyatt Regency, Columbus - 9:00 a.m. Clinic Meeting




I.                    Welcome - President Joe Balogh welcomed everyone to the meeting.


II.                 PrayerRich Venuto (District 4) led us in prayer.


III.               Roll CallBob Von Kaenel called roll.  Absent were – Sean O’Toole, Amy Manco, Dave Kleman, Dave Butcher


IV.              OHSAA Proposal - President Balogh talked about our 22-game proposal that was defeated and he explained about the new Blue Ribbon Committee being formed by the OHSAA. He also discussed/explained the bench rule for the upcoming season.


V.                 Pre-paid Legal Services – President Balogh handed out a proposal from Ed Kavanaugh on pre-paid legal services. Discussion was held and it was decided to have him present his material at the Oct. 17th Meeting Vote was 14-0 to have the presentation.


VI.              On-line RegistrationPat Carroll presented information about a program that is being used by Michigan and New York. It is the only one of its kind as far as we know. Pat will bring cost figures and more information to the Oct. 17th Meeting.  1st – Venuto   2nd – Rettig to explore on-line registration. Motion passed 14-0.


VII.            Rawlings Representative – Jerry Williams from Rawlings Company presented us with a new ball design and wanted to know if the OHSBCA would want to change to a more padded basketball. We have 60-90 days to let them know, and the cost will be the same.


VIII.         TOP 100 CLASSICLarry Wilson and Wally Vickers presented information about this new program. It would feature 100 underclassmen, and would be conducted on North/South Classic/HOF Weekend. The OHSAA and the NCAA will endorse this program. It would be held at Capital University on April 22nd  and a selection process must be developed for choosing these 100 players. Cost was estimated at $50.00 dollars per player, and discussion was held on procedures. Motion was made to pursue this endeavor.  1st Persin  2nd – Miller   Motion Passed 14-0


IX.              OHSBCA Golden Whistle Award and Golden Media AwardLarry Wilson suggested that we present these awards at the state level. Motion was made to establish this program.  1st – Walsh  2nd – Schwieterman   Motion Failed  7-8


X.                 Public Relations ReportLarry Wilson discussed several suggestions/ideas for the association.  1) He handed out the directory and asked for any changes 2) Wanted to know about purchasing a banner for us to display at our clinic,  state tournament, HOF dinner, N/S Game, and any other OHSBCA sponsored events 3) Suggested a Friday Night Family Social gathering prior to the HOF/N-S Weekend.


XI.              Mentoring Program – There will be a mentoring session for new head coaches conducted at the clinic at 9:00am. We will also have a booth at the clinic that describes/details the procedures of the OHSBCA and the benefits of being a member.  Dave Froelich and Larry Wilson will be conducting this program. We also decided to establish a list of current and former basketball coaches throughout the state who would be willing to assist new coaches. Dave Froelich is compiling a list statewide and this will be made available to our membership.


XII.            District Concerns – Please send them to President Balogh by October 6th so they can be placed on the agenda


XIII.         North/South Coaches – President Balogh presented a list of all District Champion coaches from last season. Any nominees need to be submitted to President Balogh by October 6th


XIV.         SEI AWARD – District Directors from Districts 9-12 should have a boys/girls coach nominee e-mailed to President Balogh prior to October 6th so they can be placed on the agenda


XV.           Transfer ProposalCincinnati Christian High School would like to transfer from District 15 into District 16. Jim Staley(D-15) and Bill Brewer(D-16) approved this transfer.


XVI.         Rawlings ReportWayne Wiseman  - Wayne reported that Rawlings will be issuing us a check for 2004 royalties that should total a substantial amount.


XVII.      Wayne WisemanWayne explained that memorial contributions were made to Butch Rossi and Middletown Fenwick HS, and to the Steve Smith Memorial at Orrville HS.  Both passed away, and are HOF Members. He also stated that the Rossi Family would like to see a scholarship established in memory of Butch Rossi.


XVIII.    HOF Museum – Doc Daugherty and Don Henderson presented information on the progress of the HOF Museum. They gave a website of www.ohiohoopzone.com  and explained that they are still accepting charter members. They did announce that the 1st Banquet will be May 20, 2006 at the Marriott North in Columbus, Ohio, and that the cost would be $50.00 dollars per ticket.


XIX.        FALL MEETING  -  October 17, 2005 at 10:00am at the  OHSAA Office  

                              Committee Meetings:

                  Paul Walker Award9:30am – Nominees by Oct. 1st to Bob Von Kaenel

                  HOF Nomination9:30am – Nominees by Oct. 1st to Paul Wayne


XX.           Adjournment – 1st  - Rich Venuto   2nd – Bob Walsh



Respectfully submitted,




Bob Von Kaenel/Asst. Secretary

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